Riverbend Campground, Okotoks, Calgary, Alberta

Garage Sale

What isn’t for you, is another’s treasure! No need to register for this event! Set up a table at your site, set your prices and have fun! Sales run from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Please respect the Riverbend Campground and clean up after the sale.

Pop-up Barber Shop

Men's cuts, kids' cuts, beard trims, hot shaves and more. 50% off all services. This will be located next to the mini-golf.

Canada Day Long Weekend 50/50

Get your cash out, 50/50 sales start June 30th and the winner ticket will be drawn July 2nd. Watch for the 50/50 sales cart coming around.

Heritage Day Long Weekend 50/50 Draw

Get your cash out, 50/50 sales start August 4th and the winner ticket will be drawn August 6th. Watch for the 50/50 sales cart coming around.

Labour Day Long Weekend 50/50 Draw

Get your cash out, 50/50 sales start Friday and the winner will be drawn Sunday. Watch for the 50/50 sales cart coming around.

Poker Night – May 2024

Our popular Poker Nights return. This is the first of the season. Location TBA (either Dome or Event Tent)

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