When camping with family you can make your experience more complete by planning to participate in some activities. This can be important if you’ve been travelling and the kids need to burn off some energy. It is also true if you are staying a few days or weeks. Camping activities for kids prevents boredom. Something else to consider; with daylight savings and at our latitude, the summer sun might set after normal bedtimes. If you tire them, bedtimes might just be a bit easier. Riverbend Campground has numerous activities for kids and adults to enjoy:
- Mini-golf
- Paddle boats rentals
- Pedal cart rentals
- Golf cart rentals
- Horseshoe pits
- Bird watching
- Children’s playgrounds (3) – recently upgraded
- Nature trails – 3 well established and relatively easy trails
- Floating/Swimming in the river
- River fishing for Mountain Whitefish, Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout (in season)
- 2 good 18-hole public golf courses nearby- D’Arcy Ranch and River’s Edge
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- 18-hole Mini-golf
- Paddle boat rentals
- One of our three playgrounds
- New East playground
- 4 Seater Bike Rental
- Golf cart rentals
- Beach Volleyball
- Sheep River is popular for a gentle float on a hot day